Docha is categorized as a ‘small estate’ in Kenya. This sector has, until recently, been frequently overlooked.
Traditionally, many farmers of this size in Kenya did not own their own processing equipment. They have historically delivered cherry to a centralized cooperative-owned ‘Factory’ (as washing stations are called, locally), where their production is combined with that of others from their region. Danson, however, has his own, small wet mill where he is able to process his own coffee, ensuring full traceability back to his farm.
Cherry is selectively handpicked and then pulped. Coffee is then fermented for 12 to 24 hours in a small tank before being washed in clean water to remove any remaining mucilage. All wastewater from the washing process is cleaned to ensure their environmental impact is limited.
Parchment is soaked for 12 hours and then transferred to raised beds where it sundries for 14 to 21 days. As it dries, parchment is turned regularly to ensure even drying.
This coffee offers a nuanced cup, perfect for savoring slowly and ideal for those seeking a harmonious coffee of bright florals, earthy warmth, and subtle sweetness.
Producer: Docha Estate
Origin: Kiambu, Kenya
Altitude: 1,750 masl
Varietal: SL28, SL34
Processing: Washed
Brew: V60 / Filter / Aeropress