Aeropress Guidelines
AeroPress Guidelines
By the combination of immersion, paper filter and pressure applied by hand when plunging, this versatile brewing method will give you a delicious coffee with amazing flavours and everything in an easy and quick way, just follow our guidelines and let us show you how to brew with the AeroPress.
Equipment needed:
- AeroPress
- Paper filters
- Server
- Kettle
- Scale
- Grinder (hand or electric)
- Fresh Speciality coffee (order here)
Recommended Recipe:
- 16 g of coffee
- 250 ml of water
- Grind size – Medium – Coarse
- Water temp – 90 – 96 ℃
- Brew Time – 2:00 – 2:30 min
Our Guidelines
Traditional Method
- Weigh 16 gr of coffee on the scale and grind it just before you start brewing
- Place the filter paper into the plastic holder
- Start heating your water to the desired temperature (use filtered water as tap water will give the brew a harsh taste)
- Place your server on the scale and on top place the AeroPress with the filter down
- Rinse with hot water the filter paper and preheat the AeroPress
- Add your fresh grinded coffee – 16 g
- Start your time on the scale
- Pour gently on top 56 ml of water for the bloom stage which will take 30 sec
- After 30 sec add 70 ml of water and wait 10 sec
- After 10 sec add 125 ml of water, this will bring you up to 250 ml of water, our desired quantity
- Place the piston immediately in its place creating a vacuum that will hold the coffee from dripping
- When the timer hits 1:30 min take the server and brewer off the scale and start pushing the piston down, gently, up until you hit 2:00 min
- Remove the brewer from the server, remove spent coffee, clean with hot water, no soap, and place the brewer to dry
- Enjoy a fresh brew each day
Inverted Method
- Weigh 16 gr of coffee on the scale and grind it just before you start brewing
- Preheat the AeroPress with hot water
- Place the filter paper into the plastic holder
- Start heating your water to the desired temperature (use filtered water as tap water will give the brew a harsh taste)
- Place the piston in the brewer, turn upside down and place it on the scale
- Rinse the filter paper from the plastic holder with hot water
- Place the fresh ground coffee – 16g – in the brewer
- Start your time on the scale
- Add 56 ml of water and wait 30 sec for the bloom stage
- After 30 sec add the remaining 200 ml of water
- Place the filter holder on top and secure it
- Let the coffee steep up to 2:00 min
- Place the server on top and with a smooth reverse action and invert the AeroPress onto the server
- Gently start plunging the piston down until all of the water passes through the coffee, this should be up to 2:30 min
- Remove the brewer from the server, remove spent coffee, clean with hot water, no soap, and place the brewer to dry
- Enjoy a fresh brew each day
Small tip:
If you want a “cleaner” cup, lighter in body, we recommend using 2 filter papers instead of only one.